Sunday, 25 May 2014

I'm Pro-Life

I'm Pro-Life.

I am pro-life for the 45,000 orphaned children in CANADA.
I am pro-life for the thousands of children living in the streets in Canada, who have left abusive family situations.
I am pro-life for the over 200 million orphans world wide.
I am pro-life for the millions of children sold into slavery and trafficked for prostitution because they have no one to protect them.
I'm pro-life for the 11 million children that die annually due to poverty.
I'm pro-life for the almost 1 billion people in the world who do not have enough food to eat.
I'm pro-life for the 1.7 billion people who lack access to clean drinking water.

I am pro-life for the women who accidentally got pregnant and do not want their lives destroyed by a child that they cannot or do not want to have, and who not want to add to the millions of unwanted children in the world.

I am not pro-life for something that I do not consider, based on my science background, to be a living human being yet (for something that has more characteristics of a parasite).

I am respectful of those who believe that life begins at conception, but that respect does not mean that I have to have the same views, in the same way that I wouldn't force them to have mine.

I believe that our society, as advanced as we like to think we are, is obsessed with babies.  There are people who will fight tooth and nail to have a baby brought into existence, against the health, wants or needs of anyone else... and then leave them to fend for themselves.

People argue that abortion shouldn't exist because there are families who really want to have children and they could adopt.

That's a lie.

Most people do not want children.  They want babies.  If people actually cared about the children in this world, we wouldn't have 45,000 orphans in Canada,  123,000 children available for adoption in the US (and almost half a million in foster care) and millions of orphans world wide.

We need to stop focusing on trying to bring more unwanted children into the world, trying to FORCE people to bring more children into the world, when we obviously can't take care of the ones that are already here.

I am pro-life for the women, the men, people, the children that are already here.

edit:  I know how difficult adoption procedures currently are.  I think we as a society need to start focusing more on getting children into loving homes that can provide for them.  There's currently too much red tape.  If someone can prove they can provide a loving home, and can provide for a child financially, it should be a much shorter process to adopt a child. 

Thank you to the following for statistics:
Orphan Coalition

Orphan Hope International
SOS Children's Villages
The Hunger Project

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