Thursday, 31 July 2014

Why opposing publicly funded abortions is a dangerous beginning.

I'm not going to debate about the ethics of abortion.  I am going to talk about why opposing the funding of abortions is a dangerous practice.

Abortions are legal in Canada.  They are recognized as something that should be medically covered for all Canadians, as we have public health care in Canada.

Public Health Care means that all Canadians have access to comprehensive and universal coverage of hospital and physician services.

All Canadians have access to all services.

I've heard some opposition to taxpayers dollars funding abortions because some people have moral objections to abortion.    The problem is, when we live in a society that has public health care, we can't start picking and choosing who gets access to what health services, and what health services should and should not be covered.   Comprehensive and universal coverage means that all services should be accessible and covered.

If people are allowed to start picking and choosing where their tax dollars go, we start a slippery slide into people not receiving the medical care they need.   Maybe you don't believe in abortion, maybe someone else doesn't believe that their tax dollars should go to helping you after your heart attack because you like having a donut with your coffee every morning.  Maybe people don't want to cover dialysis for anyone who has ever had a drink of alcohol, or a diabetes treatment, or cancer treatment for people who have been exposed to chemicals in their workplace, or who have ever smoked.  Maybe people don't want to cover other people's fertility treatment.  We can't allow judgement and personal ideas of morals to influence the health and wellbeing of other people, because if we allow that to happen, we'll end up in a society devoid of health care all together.

Public health care means everyone has the right to access health care, whether or not you think they should.

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