Monday, 19 September 2011

Get all the nutrition you'll ever need in this one pill!

Lose all the weight you want, get all the nutrition you'll ever need for life, be healthier than everyone else in the world, it will only cost you blah blah blah.

I hate nutritional products.... no scratch that, I hate fad diet products pretending to be nutritional products.

I am not a big fan of supplementation in general. It has it's place- if for whatever reason you can't get what you need from food, supplement!  I think everyone who lives in Canada should be supplementing with Vitamin D, because we don't get enough and the quality of what we get from our sun, isn't as much as it should be.  I'm okay with multivitamins to get your nutrition up, or for kids who sometimes don't eat as much as they should.

I hate all these companies trying to sell people on their health products that is "guaranteed" to help you get healthy, lose weight, and be happy!

If you want to lose weight, get healthy and be happy-  eat healthy foods you love, do exercises that you love, and be happy!

My biggest problem with a lot of the products (shakes especially) is that they typically try to jam all your daily nutrients into one shake... why not just stab your liver and kidneys with a knife?  Your body isn't meant to get all it's nutrients in one dose, or one hour, or several hours... that's why people are supposed to eat small portions frequently throughout the day.   If you bombard your body all at ones, first of all you're not going to absorb the nutrients.  That's basic biology.   That's why most people have glowing pee after a multivitamin.  Bye bye nutrients!  You will absorb some of it, but the rest of it is just wasted.  Your body can only deal with so much at a time... not only deal, but use.   The rest of it, it has to get rid of- this puts unneeded stress on your body- your kidneys, liver and intestines especially.

Also shake or liquid dependent diets are screwing up your digestive system.  There's a reason we chew food- it releases enzymes, it sends signals to your vagus nerve that we should start digesting, it does a lot of great stuff!  People will tell you that shakes and juices are good for your body- it takes stress off your intestines, your gallbladder doesn't have to work as hard, etc etc... guess what?  Our bodies like to work, and while they don't like being over stressed, they also don't like having nothing to do.  Know the saying Use it or Lose it?  Our bodies take that seriously.   If you aren't using something, most of the time your body will divert it's energy into doing something else.  Not using that enzyme?  no more enzyme for you! (That's one of the reasons people who are vegetarians for years and years will get sick if they eat meat, or why Jewish people or Muslims will get very sick if they accidentally eat pork, they don't have the capability to digest it properly).

These diets are not nutrition based.  They are scams dressed up pretty that prey on people who want to be healthier.

Being healthy is free (plus the cost of food ;) ).

I went on a 2 hour walk today, it was lovely, it didn't cost me a dime.

(As a side note: I do pay $10/month for a gym membership, but there are even ways around that.  It's really just pure laziness on my part when it comes to strength training.  It's just easier to use the machines at the gym... although lifting babies and toddlers is a pretty good workout in itself!)

Fresh fruits and vegetables are CHEAP if you buy in season.  Farmers Markets are plentiful.  I spent $30 at the grocery store and have enough food for at least a week (and that included $6 for organic free range eggs), grains are cheap if you purchase from a bulk store, meat... yeah I can't help you there, but meat is something that you should spend money on to get good quality, if you eat it.  Better cuts of meat equal better nutrition.

Be cautious, be wary, everyone knows there's no such thing as a quick fix... so don't fall for things that promise it.  Even if you lose weight, it isn't healthy.

Stay Healthy!

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